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Bible Based Homeschooling Grammar and Scripture Copywork

AcreSoft Bible Memory Language Arts is a series of printable PDF files, great for Bible based homeschooling. The top of the grammar copywork page contains a grammar puzzle, and the bottom copywork lines for writing the scripture verse. Practice KJV copywork.
The advantage of a PDF file is you can print as many copies as you want, for your students.

GrammarCopyworkBibleBased.jpg, 31kB

Images for Special Verses Grammar Copybook

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SpecialVersesGrammarContent.jpg, 31kB

Special-Verses-Bible-Grammar-Copywork.jpg, 34kB

Another Great Bible Based Grammar Option

There is available now a PDF file, with Bible memory verse pages, grammar information pages, and an answer key section for Bible grammar. This PDF contains enough lessons for multiple years. These lesons include Special Verses; Some Psalms; Romans 8, 12, and 13; Romans 4, Hebrews 4, and 11; Matthew 5, 6, and 7 (The Sermon on the Mount); 1 Corinthians 13, 14, and James 3; and Colossians. This is available from BMTMicro for only $19.

Note: With this option, a notebook or paper is needed, for doing grammar diagrams and copywork in.

Draw the grammar diagrams in a notebook, then grade it using the answers found in the PDF.

Even if you haven't printed the file, the file still has the answers to the student's work.

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Scripture Copywork

Scripture copywork of special verses without the grammar box, and including different font styles: Scripture Copywork

Grammar Picture Books - Exodus Books

Grammar Picture Books

Go to teachercreated.com and search for spelling for a grade 1-6 spelling book.

Other Curriculums from other sites:
Bible Story Based Phonics: milestonebooks.com has Beginning Steps to Reading and Rod and Staff phonics programs. Phonics workbooks and readers or whole pack, can be bought.They also sell good social studies books. You could use a book for multi grades and years. Grade 7 is a good social studies book.
verticalphonics.com and buy the Bible story book.

Bible Story Based Readers

Bible story based readers are great for practicing reading. These don't take the place of reading the Bible together.

Beginner's Bible - Exodus Books
Beginner's Bible

Big Picture Story Bible - Exodus Books
Big Picture Story Bible

Older age reader:
Golden Children's Bible - Exodus Books
Golden Children's Bible

OR read the stories referenced under the big illustrations in:
NKJV Big Picture Interactive Bible

A Bible promise book is great when a whole chapter to read is too much. The below book is also great for Bible memory for any age.
God's Promises for Your Every Need is a great book, for a gift, for baptism, graduation, birthday, or other event.
God's Promises for Your Every Need

Bible based science and social studies

Primary section of the books is for grades 1-3, junior section for grades 4-6, intermediate questions for grades 7-9, and advanced problems for grades 10-12.

Pick and choose lessons in the books if desired.

Bible Study

Different questions for every chapter of the Bible are in each book. Also has plenty of space on the side of pages for drawing, taking notes, journaling etc.
Balancing the Sword Bible Study Set - Exodus Books
Balancing the Sword Bible Study Set

Other Bible Study Curriculum: bibleroadtrip.org

Nice Reference Bibles: tbsbibles.org Search for Bible in the product search box near the top of the page.

Bible Study

odb.org kjvbibles.com
oneyearbibleonline.com ownit365.com
Sunday School Lesson hymnsite.com/lection
bible.is Bible and Cross Reference

Great Sunday School Curriculum

Christian Light Publications
Standard Lesson Quarterly
Bible Timeline:
Bible Timeline Book
Bible Timeline
Bible Based Language Arts

AcreSoft Book of Centuries PDF at BMTMicro for just $9.

About Printable Envelopes PDF also Educational Charts PDF
Best Homeschool Curriculum Info

Questions, Comments, Etc.: Question or Comment Form
or acresoft@protonmail.com or acresoft@xmail.net