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Printable Envelope Templates for Different Sizes

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Have you ever had envelopes stick, before you could get the cards used? Or maybe you like designing cards, and would simply like, to load a file and print off envelope templates. These simple elegant envelopes, are printable and glueable. This takes the time out of having to measure and design each envelope. White templates that are great printed on different colored or patterned paper, and different styles of envelopes. The printable pdf file is only $1.98, and can make envelopes to sell, give, or keep.

You can Buy the PDF from BMTMicro. Click Here.

AcreSoft Educational Charts

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AcreSoft Charts is a printable PDF file of educational charts, containing information on Grammar, Algebra, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Drawing and Music. This is only $5.95 on BMTMicro's website. Click here.

AcreSoft Bible Based Language Arts Bible Based Language Arts

Scripture Copywork and Grammar based on Bible Memory and notebook pages for Bible based language arts: Bible Based Grammar Copywork

Other AcreSoft products advertised at: acresoftcharts.tblog.com
Questions, or Comments, Etc. Click Here or acresoft@xmail.net