
“Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.” (Matthew 5:15)

Description: Announcements are made by the host to the guests for the successful delivery of the ‘top-pick’ action item(s) that includes good behavior and to draw attention to the guest-of-honor’s accomplishment. We announce the release of, engagement to, & wedding to the product item. The announcement form or letter has 6 sections: Opening, Reason, Meeting, Invite, Proxy (Card(optional)), & Closing. Those invited to the meeting for the guest-of-honor are expected to bring complimentary gifts. The proxy card is sent in place of those invited who cannot attend the meeting containing money or a note of congratulations. The guest-of-honor then sends thank you notes for every gift received. The announcement form or letter must be delivered safely to the guests.

Instructions: The opening section should be one of the following: Dear Sir/ Madam, To whom it may concern, and Dear Recipient. The Reason section must tell the reason(s) for the meeting that are the contributions made to the community or achievements in business, the arts, etc…; and, who the invited guests are drawing special attention to, the guest-of-honor, in the form of a news article. For example, the reason section can say, “We are pleased to announce that so-and-so has done-such-and-such.” The meeting section must give the date, time, and place of the meeting. The meeting section should say, “To honor this accomplishment we are hosting a meeting at reserved-location ##/##/#### at hh:mm” or something similar. The news article can be the place of meeting by itself. The invite section should say the meeting is open to the public or by invitation only. If it is by invitation only you must list the names of the guests. The optional proxy card is a gift card for money or with a section congratulating the guest-of-honor like, “Congratulations for your said achievement!” The closing should be your contact information following one of the following: Sincerely, Respectfully yours, and Yours truly. Please write or add the completed 6 sections that make up your announcement to the official Engineering Notebook page provided for you to write on.


Peace and Good Tidings,

"The Glossary of Thesis Statements, articles of faith and heated matter, are like the stories of the 'game' level editors." -Dan Mustaine

In answer to your prayers, I'm happy to release my Glossary of Thesis Statements. The Glossary of Thesis Statements radiate the conditions necessary for further achievement. The Glossary of Thesis Statements, are donated by me, Dan Mustaine, an accomplished expert, and are for everyone to consume. It is a prize I encourage you to model (please don't copy verbatim) given freely to you for your investigative news team's receptiveness. Please feel comfortable to forward it to any trainers, coaches, administrators, parents, boosters, or fans that are receptive to you without fear of rejection. Again, I'm very proud of this impressive achievement. My thanks go out to all my supporters.

-Dan Mustaine (For more information, email

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