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More FiftyPlus Resources:
 | Take Five plus Fifty!What happened when producer Teo Macero, who had just months before had Miles Davis and his musicians in the Columbia 30th Street Studio to record, brought Dave Brubeck and his quartet into the same studio, was to make more jazz history - the album Time Out with the hit track "Take Five". |
 | Fifty plus oneObama on Wednesday endorsed congressional Democrats' plans to use a controversial process known as "budget reconciliation" to nationalize American health care, turning it over to a vast new trillion-dollar bureaucracy via simple majority vote - bypassing Senate rules that allow 41 senators to block controversial measures. |
 | ClothingClothing is fiber and textile material worn on the body. The wearing of clothing is mostly restricted to human beings and is a feature of nearly all human societies. |
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 | Clothes dryerA clothes dryer, tumble dryer, or drying machine is a household appliance that is used to remove moisture from a load of clothing and other textiles, generally shortly after they are cleaned in a washing machine. |
 | Fifty-plus Free iWork Templates from iWork4SchoolMore than fifty free iWork templates are now available for education professionals, students and teachers from the new iWork4School. iWork4School aims to be the premier iWork templates site for teachers, students and education professionals. Each template is sorted by three criteria: grade level, subject and intended users. The Free iWork Templates Blog strives to be a community of iWork users who put their best foot forward and share their work with other iWork users.
Goshen, Indiana More than fifty free iWork templates are now available for education professionals, students and teachers from the new iWork4School. The site is a sister site of the popular Free iWork Templates blog. iWork4School aims to be the premier iWork templates site for teachers, students and education professionals. Each template is sorted by three criteria: grade level, subject and intended users.
iWork4School is not just one of those teacher material sites, Joel Wolfgang, founder of both the Free iWork Templates Blog and iWork4School, said. Its a site designed with everyone who works in and around schools in mind. I wanted to create a site that specifically delivers iWork templates for those individuals.
The Free iWork Templates Blog strives to be a community of iWork users who put their best foot forward and share their work with other iWork users. These two sites hope to help education professionals by saving them the time necessary to create their own templates for projects, papers and assignments.
When I started The Free iWork Templates Blog, I really hoped to connect iWork users from around the globe, Wolfgang said. To date, weve had templates submitted from all six inhabited continents. With this new site I hope to bring educational resources and put them in one central location for anyone one to use.
Free iWork Templates:
Located in Goshen, Indiana, Free iWork Templates was founded in 2008 by Joel Wolfgang. All Material and Software (C) 2008-2010 Free iWork Templates / All Rights Reserved. All Rights Reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iWork and OS X are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Joel Wolfgang
iworktemplates {at} gmail(.)com |
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