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More That's My Style Resources:
 | Clothes ironA clothing iron, also called a flatiron or simply an iron, is a small appliance: a handheld piece of equipment with a flat, roughly triangular surface that, when heated, is used to press clothes to remove creases. |
 | ClotheshorseA clotheshorse or clothes horse, sometimes called a clothes rack, drying horse, clothes maiden, drying rack, drying stand, airer, or (Scots) winterdyke, refers to a frame upon which clothes are hung after washing to enable them to dry. |
 | @thedadof4 BigDaddyLucius RT Team_H_Styles: I know Harry Styles lol jk im not sad enough to lie about that. BigDaddyLucius RT Team_H_Styles: I know Harry Styles lol jk im not sad enough to lie about that.
Related Posts: RT @tiffany_ball: much love for harry styles fans @HStyles_Fans @HarryStylesUK @HarryStyles_No1 @Team_HStyles @Team_H_Styles @HarrysDimple & other pages :D xx RT @HarrySquad: Harry Styles. Harry Styles. Harry Styles. Harry Styles. Harry Styles. Harry Styles. Harry Styles. Harry Styles. Harry Styles. Harry Styles RT @hannahloves1D: Harry Styles Harry Styles Harry Styles Harry Styles Harry Styles Harry Styles Harry Styles Harry Styles Harry Styl…_to_lie_about_that_http_fplk_c2_my_qzuuk |
 | I'm what you people consider a "hipster".
I think for myself,I dress in a weird (REALLY weird) way (not skinny jeans though nor ugly glasses),I like different music,nothing modern for me,etc.
And I don't do it for attention,I'm just popping out of the crowd for being MYSELF. I don't pretend liking a certain band or a so called modern 'artist' (are you kidding me?) to please others.
People like me for who I am,chicks dig me,I have a lot of friends and I live life at max. So again,WHAT is your problem with people like me? Why do you hate people who don't belong in labels so much? What is your reason?
Before attacking my music,I listen to everything from 1960-1994,so don't bother trying to jump me for that claiming that I listen to dubstep or any bullshity music like that,nor electronic,or whatever modern shit these kids listen to.
Inb4 you do it for attention. No I don't,I'm being myself,if that atracts people it's not my fault.
Inb4 your style. I have a weird style,a cool one,different. So what is it to you? Just because the jean/shirt/whiteshoes combo doesn't please me,it doesn't mean that my style sucks.
Inb4 you are conceited. I am not,I have high-self esteem,but it doesn't go up in my head.
Do you actually have any more reasons,or are you just angry at yourselves?I think for myself,I dress in a weird (REALLY weird) way (not skinny jeans though nor ugly glasses),I like different music,nothing modern for me,etc.
And I don't do it for attention,I'm just popping out of the crowd for being MYSELF. I don't pretend liking a certain band or a so called modern 'artist' (are you kidding me?) to please others.…sons_or_are_you_just_angry_at_yourselves |
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