M&S Money Direct, UK: Save £££ with M&S Money Direct Credit Cards and Insurance at M&S Finance Website
M&S Money Direct offers a variety of financial and insurance products, but Motor Insurance is something that almost everyone needs - at least if you own a car. Unfortunately there are so many companies offering Motor Insurance today that, after a while, one policy may begin to look much like the next.
Thinking that most Motor Insurance policies are much the same is usually a bad idea. At worst it can be a very expensive mistake - this is when you find out that your Motor Insurance policy doesn't actually cover you for what you thought it did, or it takes your Motor Insurance company months and months to argue over whether to pay you or not. Fortunately M&S Money Direct Motor Insurance is not like that at all, and when you compare M&S Motor Insurance to the competition then it stacks up quite nicely.
For example, here are just some of the options which come as standard with Mark's & Spencer 5 Star Premier cover Motor Insurance (correct at May 2009), which are quite often not included with comparable Motor Insurance plans from companies such as Direct Line, Sainsbury's, or Tesco Direct:
- Personal UK and European Breakdown Cover automatically included
- Comprehensive cover for trips abroad in the European Union - up to 90 days per trip
- Courtesy car during approved repairs automatically included
- Cover for Motor Legal Protection automatically included
So, it is clear that, besides being good value, M&S Motor Insurance also provides much more extensive cover than some of the top competitors. Additionally, you don't even need to be behind the wheel to benefit from M&S Money Direct UK and European Breakdown Cover, since it covers you as a passenger too.
When you're shopping at Marks & Spencer online store for your summer outfit, or looking for furniture to give your home a makeover, then spend a moment to also consider products from M&S Money Direct. Offering everything from savings accounts and credit cards, to House Insurance and Motor Insurance, there's a lot more going on at M&S than you might imagine.
In particular, if you're thinking of travelling soon, then consider Travel Insurance from M&S Money Direct. With images of volcano ash still fresh in many traveller's minds, it's good to remember there were many travellers who ended up wishing they had spent just a few pounds extra to obtain travel insurance for their trip. Of course, unfortunately, after the event is too late!
In fact, had you purchased travel insurance from M&S Money Direct, you would have been in good hands; within just a short time of the volcanic ash disruptions, visitors to the M&S Money Direct website would have seen a message stating that although claims relating to volcanic eruptions are not normally covered by travel insurance, that on this particular occasion, they would " allow claims from UK customers affected by the volcanic ash that has recently grounded flights."
Marks and Spencer may not necessarily be the first name that springs to mind when you're thinking about renewing your House Insurance or Motor Insurance, but M&S do indeed offer a comprehensive selection of financial products, all of which are competitively priced, and all of which you can purchase directly from the M&S Money Direct website. With a simple, no-hassle service, you can compare features between a number of Marks & Spencer Money products and competitor's products, and sign up in just a few minutes.
Whether you're looking for savings products or M&S Money Direct loans, credit cards or House Insurance - besides a number of other insurance products, M&S Money Direct can save you both time and money, with comprehensive information available at a click.
Free insurance quotes are available online for all of M&S Money Direct insurance products (House Insurance, Motor Insurance, Travel Insurance, Wedding Insurance and Pet Insurance), or you may call if you wish to on the telephone number provided. Suffice to say that there is also plenty of information which you can download for each of the Marks & Spenser insurance products in document format too.
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